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Foto: Maíra Kellermann Santos
Foto: Maíra Kellermann Santos

Water and water security

Water is essential for the life of all species

Conserving water is essential for the future. It supports ecosystems and ensures the production of food and energy. Our health and our future depend on this resource.

12% of all fresh surface water on the planet is in Brazil

80% of the water used in energy generation comes from conservation units

Even so,

33 million Brazilians do not have access to treated water.

40% of water availability in the main Brazilian river basins is at risk of being reduced by 2040.

Source: National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA)

Protecting water, a vital resource for life, is a key focus of the Boticário Group Foundation. We believe that water security is achieved through a range of actions, from environmental conservation to supporting a regenerative economy.

In 2016, we introduced Oasis, an innovative solution that used a Payment for Environmental Services (PES) mechanism to promote the conservation of natural areas. The initiative has successfully protected natural areas with springs covering the equivalent of 21,000 soccer fields, benefiting over 8 million people.

To amplify our impact, we launched the Viva Água movement in 2019—a collaborative effort that brings together companies, government agencies, and civil society to ensure water security. The Viva Água movement operates in two regions:

  • Miringuava River Basin (PR): The goal here is to restore 650 hectares by 2030, ensuring water conservation for 500,000 people.
  • Guanabara Bay (RJ): This initiative has positively impacted 150,000 hectares and supported 50 local businesses, benefiting more than 11 million people both directly and indirectly.

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