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Foto: Bernadete Barbosa
Foto: Bernadete Barbosa

Our areas of action

Conserved nature is the basis for social and economic development

Commitment to a
sustainable future

The Boticário Group Foundation operates in synergy with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN in 2015. These goals reaffirm a global commitment to developing stronger national actions and policies, focusing on 17 objectives and 169 environmental, social, and economic targets.

Our efforts concentrate on four specific goals related to the biosphere: life on land, life below water, clean water and sanitation, and climate action. By pursuing these objectives, we also contribute to the other SDGs, recognizing that a healthy environment is essential for social and economic development.

Photo: Zig Koch

Our areas of action

Climate and Adaptation

Adaptation and mitigation of climate change

Climate change is a reality that impacts us all. We are dedicated to helping society adapt and reduce the severe effects of climate change based on nature-based solutions.

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Ocean and Coastal Resilience

Promoting ocean appreciation and protecting coastal-marine areas

We are all connected to the ocean, and our goal is to engage, raise awareness, and foster knowledge so that everyone understands its significance and takes action to conserve it. We also strive to protect and restore coastal and marine ecosystems to help them withstand the impacts of extreme climate events.

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Water and Water Security

Contributing to water security: quality and quantity of water for people through the protection of water sources, rivers and springs

Protecting water, a vital resource for life, is a key focus of the Boticário Group Foundation. We believe that water security is achieved through a range of actions, from environmental conservation to supporting a regenerative economy.

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Natural Areas

Conservation units can contribute to water security and coastal-marine resilience

We support the establishment and creation of new Conservation Units (UCs) to fully protect ecosystems and their species, while also helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

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Our Reserves

Protecting natural reserves that embody our mission in favor of conservation

We preserve 11 thousand hectares of Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, the two most threatened biomes in Brazil, in our two Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs) in Guaraqueçaba (PR) and Cavalcante (GO).

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Solutions and Impact

Support nature-inspired actions that deliver environmental, social and economic benefits

Since its creation, the Foundation has provided financial support to projects focused on nature conservation, fostering greater public involvement in creating sustainable solutions.

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Photo: Aisse Gaertner

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